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How to reflect the reimbursement from the FSS in the RSV?

How to reflect the reimbursement from the FSS in the RSV?

Reflection in the lines of the Calculation of insurance premiums of the amount of temporary disability benefits with funds paid at the expense of the employer and at the expense of the FSS Reason: Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 10.10.2016 N ММВ-7-11 / [email protected]"On approval of the form of calculation p

State economic policy instruments

State economic policy instruments

Economic regulation system The implementation of economic policy is possible only when using a set of measures, tools that form the mechanism of state influence on the economy. To be able to use them rationally requires knowledge of the structure

How to pay utility bills without commission?

How to pay utility bills without commission?

Taking into account the laws of the Russian Federation, the following terms are established regarding the need to pay for housing and communal services: payment of housing and communal services and housing must be carried out every month until the 10th day of the next month after the paid one. Those who did not have time or did not

economic growth in france

economic growth in france

France is currently in the middle of a transition from a prosperous modern economy that has a lot of state ownership and intervention to one that relies more on the mechanisms of the market. government in whole or in part

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